Peer Academic Coaching Resources

Below are videos and resources developed by our Peer Academic Coaches (PACs) to help FAU students be successful in college by developing good academic skills.  

Academic Resources

  • Peer Academic Coach Helpful Links: For a list of helpful tools, like Notion, Notability, Goodnetes, and more, visit this link . These are personal links that are not from Florida Atlantic University, but that our PACs find helpful.

Academic Skill-Building Video Series

Concept Cards: This video provides an overview of creating and using concept cards

Time Blocking: This video provides an overview of time blocking per day or per week. 

Organization Tools: This video provides an overview of tools that students can use to help organize their tasks and notes.

Study Cycle: This video provides an overview of the Study Cycles adapted from Frank Christ. 

Cornell Notes: This video provides an overview of Cornell Notes and provides an example. 

Time Management: Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities.